2022 Zone 21 Rotary Institute will take place in Limassol from 7 to 13 November.
The purpose of a Rotary International Institutes are to :
* Inform accurately current and past Rotary International (RI) officers about the
policies and programs of RI , including those of its Foundation .
* Promote support for these policies and program while also soliciting suggestions
for imporvements and innovations . Inform the RI Board of successful program
developments at the Zone level which the RI Board may want to consider for
further development .
* Inspire , Motivate and inform Governors about leadership .
* Provide a forum for learning , discussion and inspiration , which will engineer
fellowship and a team spirit among the participants .
* Governor Elect Training Seminar (GETS) is mandatory for all incoming Governors.
* Governor Elect Spouses Seminar is for all spouses of incoming Governors